The Tallaght Horse Aware Week was a great success! It took place 24th to 29th September and reached over 900 people. It was part of an initiative where FYHP is working with a number of horse welfare groups as part of the Dublin Region Horse Welfare Working Group – Education Task Group*. The aim of the group is to educate children and youth about horse care and responsible ownership.

Pte Mark McKenna, Lynn Campbell, South Dublin Mayor Mark Ward , Project Manager Ann Keogan, Alice Pala, Abbigail Williams, Alannah Layden, Pte Aoife Curran, Garda Laura Doolan and Garda Laura Doolan
The Horse Aware Week started with a series of presentations by representatives of the Education Task Group in four of the primary schools (St Ann’s, St Thomas’, St Aiden’s and St Maelruan’s) and in St Aiden’s and St Mark’s Secondary Schools.
The presentations provided information about horse care and responsible ownership. The Horse Aware Week culminated in an Open Day at the Fettercairn Youth Horse Project on Saturday 29th September. Overall we reached 600 pupils in local schools and approximately 300 people at the Open Day here at the Horse Project.
We were very fortunate in having lovely sunny weather on Saturday the 29th and we were able to have outdoor talks from the Garda Mounted Unit (Garda Laura Doolan) and the Army Equitation School (Lt Benson Byrne and Pte Mark

Maura and Mark from Civil Defence, Pte Aoife Curran on Ringwood Abbey, Pte Mark McKenna, 2/Lt Benson Byrne, Project Manager Ann Keogan at the Tallaght Horse Aware Open Day
McKenna). It was brilliant to hear how each of the speakers had been inspired to become involved with horses and their journeys into their current roles. Pte. Aoife Curran, also from the Army Equitation School, was displaying the famous award winning Ringwood Abbey in the arena. A farrier demonstration from Brian Dunne, Master Farrier and a show jumping demonstration in the arena from our very own Shane Kehoe were part of the Open Day.
After being introduced by the FYHP Project Manager, Ann Keogan, the Open Day was
launched by the South Dublin Mayor Mark Ward who spoke of the Dublin Region Horse Welfare Working Group and the role of the Fettercairn Youth Horse Project in making the equine world an accessible community activity. We then had very informative talks from Paul Keane from the RACE Academy about employment opportunities in the equine world and from Alan Ward of Saoirse Saddlery.
There were also information stands provided by the DSPCA (Brian Gillen, Claire Owens and Gillian Bird), Horse Racing Ireland (Patrick Ryan), Cherry Orchard Community Training Centre & SOLAS (Jenny Courtney and Emer Drumm). There was lots of opportunity to get information in relation to equine training and about careers in the equine industry. Thanks to the Dublin Civil Defence (Maura and Mark) who provided Medical and Rescue Cover for the event.
We had a hugely successful day and we can’t thank enough all the speakers, volunteers and staff of all of the organisations involved for their hard work on the day. Thanks also to City West Hotel and TRI Equestrian for their kind donations on the day.
This event was generously supported by South Dublin County Council.
- The Dublin Region Horse Welfare Working Group – Education Task Group includes the Dublin SPCA, Fettercairn Youth Horse Project, Clondalkin Equine Club, Irish Horse Welfare Trust, Cherry Orchard Equine Centre, UCD School of Veterinary Medicine & representatives from the Dublin Councils and Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine.